
Have you seen Don McKellar?

Win passes to see an advance screening of NO CLUE in Calgary and Vancouver!


If you live in Calgary or Vancouver you can enter for a chance to win double passes to see an advance screening of NO CLUE courtesy of eOne Films!

Monday, February 24th, 2014
Show Time: 7:00PM
Scotiabank Chinook
Brent Butt will be in attendance for a Q&A following the screening

Thursday, March 6th, 2014
Show Time: 7:00PM
Scotiabank Vancouver
Brent Butt, director Carl Bessai and select cast members will be in attendance for a Q&A following the screening


To enter is simple. Fill out the form below and submit your info!

[gravityform id=”205″ name=”NO CLUE – Advance Screening” title=”false” description=”false”]

Only one entry person. Winners will be chosen at random and will be notified via e-mail.
Contest deadline for Calgary is February 20th at 11:59pm.
Contest deadline for Vancouver is March 1st at 11:59pm.

This contest is open to Canadian residents only. Good luck!

BONUS ENTRIES if you RETWEET the tweet below or LIKE our contest post on our Facebook page!

When a beautiful and mysterious woman bursts into Leo’s Vancouver office and begs for his help in finding her missing brother, it’s just another day in the life of a hard-boiled detective. The problem is, Leo’s not a detective — hard-boiled or otherwise. He sells novelty advertising across the hall from the detective, and the woman just opened his door by mistake. But knowing the detective is out of town for a few weeks and seeing that the beautiful woman really needs help, he agrees to see if he can track down her brother. How hard can it be? By the time Leo learns exactly how hard it can be, and realizes there may be more to this woman and this “missing brother” than he’s being told, it’s too late to get out. When you’re in over your head, all you can do is keep kicking.

In Theatres: March 7th
Distributed by: eOne Films

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