
Have you seen Don McKellar?

Win passes to see an advance screening of WHIPLASH in select cities!


If you live in Vancouver, Edmonton or Calgary you can enter for a chance to win passes to see an advance screening WHIPLASH courtesy of Mongrel Media!

Thursday, Oct 23, 2014
Show Time: 7:00 PM
Fifth Avenue Cinemas

Wednesday, Nov 5, 2014
Show Time: 7:00 PM
City Centre

Thursday, Nov 13, 2014
Show Time: 7:00 PM
Eau Caire

To enter is simple. Fill out the form below and submit your info!

[gravityform id=”377″ name=”WHIPLASH – Advance Screening ” title=”false” description=”false”]

Winners will be chosen at random and will be notified via e-mail. Contest deadline is Nov 1st at 12:00am. This contest is open to Canadian residents only. Good luck!

BONUS ENTRIES if you RETWEET the tweet below or LIKE our contest post on our Facebook page!

TIFF 2014 Review Whiplash

Andrew Neiman is an ambitious young jazz drummer, single-minded in his pursuit to rise to the top of his elite east coast music conservatory. Plagued by the failed writing career of his father, Andrew hungers day and night to become one of the greats. Terence Fletcher, an instructor equally known for his teaching talents as for his terrifying methods, leads the top jazz ensemble in the school. Fletcher discovers Andrew and transfers the aspiring drummer into his band, forever changing the young man’s life. Andrew’s passion to achieve perfection quickly spirals into obsession, as his ruthless teacher continues to push him to the brink of both his ability — and his sanity.

In Theatres:
Toronto – October 24th

Calgary, Edmonton – November 14th

Distributed by: Mongrel Media

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