
Have you seen Don McKellar?

Win passes to see an advance screening of WOLF OF WALL STREET in Toronto, Montreal or Ottawa!


If you live in Toronto, Montreal or Ottawa you can enter for a chance to win movie passes to see an advance screening of THE WOLF ON WALL STREET courtesy of Paramount Pictures!

Thursday, December 19, 2013
Show Time: 7:00PM
Scotiabank Theatre

Thursday, December 19, 2013
Show Time: 7:30PM
Cineplex Forum Cinemas

Thursday, December 19, 2013
Show Time: 7:00PM
Cineplex Silver City Gloucester


Revered filmmaker; Martin Scorsese directs the story of New York stockbroker Jordan Belfort (Leonardo DiCaprio). From the American dream to corporate greed, Belfort goes from penny stocks and righteousness to IPOs and a life of corruption in the late 80s. Excess success and affluence in his early twenties as founder of the brokerage firm Stratton Oakmont warranted Belfort the title – “The Wolf of Wall Street.”

Money. Power. Women. Drugs. Temptations were for the taking and the threat of authority was irrelevant. For Jordan and his wolf pack, modesty was quickly deemed overrated and more was never enough.

To enter is simple. Fill out the form below and submit your info!

[gravityform id=”150″ name=”WOLF OF WALL STREET – Advance Screening” title=”false” description=”false”]

Winners will be chosen at random and will be notified via e-mail. Contest deadline is December 13th at 11:59am. This contest is open to Canadian residents only. Good luck!

BONUS ENTRIES if you RETWEET the tweet below or LIKE our contest post on our Facebook page!

In Theatres: December 25th
Distributed by: Paramount Pictures

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