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TIFF 2019
Have you seen Don McKellar?
Paramount Pictures
Review: Be Somebody
Leora Heilbronn
Interview: Ava DuVernay and David Oyelowo talk SELMA
Charles Trapunski
Review: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Anthony Marcusa
Win double passes to a 3D screening of WORLD WAR Z in Toronto and Montreal!
Scene Creek
Review: Pain and Gain
Anthony Marcusa
Win double passes to an advance screening of PAIN AND GAIN in Toronto and Montreal!
Scene Creek
Movie Review: Rise of the Guardians
Anthony Marcusa
Movie Review: Paranormal Activity 4
Anthony Marcusa
Dress Like a Dictator Event
Scene Creek
Win a prize pack and ROE passes to see Titanic 3D in theatres!
Scene Creek
'A Thousand Words' Day of Action – talk is cheap; action speaks volumes!
Scene Creek
Movie Review: The Devil Inside
Anthony Marcusa
Movie Review: The Adventures of Tintin
Amanda Chen
Review: Like Crazy
Amanda Chen
Movie Review: Paranormal Activity 3
Amanda Chen
Strombo's Secret Movie
Amanda Chen
Footloose Friday!
Scene Creek
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