
Have you seen Don McKellar?

Win passes to see an advance screening of SEARCHING in Toronto!

If you live in Toronto or Vancouver you can enter for a chance to win passes to see an advance screening of SEARCHING, courtesy of Sony Pictures!

Screening Details:

Thursday, August 23
Cineplex Cinemas Yonge & Eglinton
Show Time: 7:00PM

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After David Kim (John Cho)'s 16-year-old daughter goes missing, a local investigation is opened and a detective is assigned to the case. But 37 hours later and without a single lead, David decides to search the one place no one has looked yet, where all secrets are kept today: his daughter's laptop. In a hyper-modern thriller told via the technology devices we use every day to communicate, David must trace his daughter's digital footprints before she disappears forever.

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SEARCHING opens across Canada on August 31st...