Win passes to see an advance screening of BRITTANY RUNS A MARATHON in Toronto or Vancouver!
If you live in Toronto or Vancouver you can enter for a chance to win passes to see an advance screening of BRITTANY RUNS A MARATHON.
Screenings will take place on Monday, August 26th at 7:00PM

Brittany Forgler is a funny, likeable, 27-year-old hot mess of a New Yorker whose trashy nightclub adventures and early-morning walks of shame make her late for work every day. But when she stops by a Yelp-recommended doctor’s office in an attempt to score Adderall, Brittany gets handed a series of diagnoses instead—elevated heart rate, high blood pressure … the list goes on. Suddenly forced to get a grip, Brittany laces up her Converse sneakers and runs one sweaty block. The next day, she runs two. Soon she runs a mile. Brittany finally has direction—but is she on the right path?

In theatres: August 30, 2019