Author: Jonathan Dick

Jonathan Dick is a playwright currently studying at the University of Toronto. He likes Wong Kar Wai, Kristen Stewart, and purple yam ice cream.

Review: Beautiful Boy

A stale and sterile addiction drama that does justice to the memoirs from which it is adapted, but not to the communities which it tries so hard to represent. 

Jonathan Dick

TIFF 2018 Review: Un Ange

Koen Motier's latest is an atmospheric and ultimately disappointing film about two people from different worlds whose paths cross for one brief but unforgettable encounter.

Jonathan Dick

TIFF 2018 Review: Cold War

Shot in an aching black-and-white, and punctuated every so often with still black pauses, Cold War is a mesmerizing exploration of love and disappointment, of persistence and giving-up.

Jonathan Dick

Review: Lady Bird

Greta Gerwig infuses one of the most convention-bound genres in independent cinema with a sense of depth and freshness. Lady Bird is a joyous expression of adolescence, one sure not to be missed.

Jonathan Dick

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