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Inside Out 2016 Review: Angry Indian Goddesses

The reason that the title Angry Indian Goddesses so quickly and so easily falls off the tongue is the suggestion of being in the presence of difference.

So while Pan Nalin’s movie is certainly different, it is a jarring change of tone that makes for a worthy but ultimately shocking movie experience. The opening of the film finds the goddesses, who are mainly all excellent, humiliated, lionized, forced to act in subordinate roles, and yet fighting back, suggesting a comedic nature.

But then the ending comes around, where one of the goddesses receives a very surprising fate, that sets the tone for the remainder of the experience. And this tone is so dramatically and diametrically opposed from the initial comedic foreshadowing, and yet so vastly different in nature that it still packs a surprising wallop.

But here is the thing: a strong ending and a comedic opening work extremely well in this upbeat and delightful film. The middle section, unfortunately, in which the goddesses talk in a mixture of Hindi and English, (and talk some more), is not exactly the most comedic or dramatic and thus, falls a little flat. There’s amazing energy throughout though.

[star v=35]