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Hot Docs Review: Love, Scott

Love, Scott succeeds at being a reflective documentary full of challenging themes

Love, Scott tells the story of Scott Jones, a young, gay man who was left paralyzed from the waist down after being viciously attacked during a night out. Scott was slashed and stabbed twice in the back. Though his assailant was never charged with a hate crime, Scott is convinced that the attack was motivated by homophobia.

The film’s presentation is unique in that the writer, director, and narrator is Scott’s friend Laura Marie Wayne. Their relationship is an important aspect of what makes the story work as the audience is brought in as a third party to their intimate friendship. As they go back and forth in conversation and in time, it’s clear how significant a role Laura, and perhaps this film, play in Scott’s journey.

Scott’s attacker was charged with attempted murder and is now in jail, but homophobia was left out of the criminal proceedings, which only adds to the challenges Scott faces related to closure, self-love, and an ability to move forward. Laura and Scott don’t shy away from the politics and social commentary embedded so deeply in this story and the film sharply confronts criminal justice system as it relates to the LGTBQ+ experience.

For the most part, Love, Scott succeeds at being a reflective documentary full of challenging themes, without losing focus or minimizing Scott’s physical and emotional trauma.

Dani Saad

Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose. Unless you're Harry Potter in which case you'll lose... everything.