
Have you seen Don McKellar?

Young Lions Music Club uses Kubrick Classic as Theme for TIFF Party


You may have heard of some of the more exclusive, celebrity studded TIFF parties around town but the coolest party was arguably the A Clockwork Orange themed one thrown by Young Lions Music Club. Adelaide Hall was transformed last Friday night into the Korova Milk Bar from Kubrick’s cult classic. Art installations by the Young Offenders included white female mannequins bent over backwards so that they could be used as tables and even two drink dispensing mannequins. In keeping with the theme one mannequin dispensed milk to be used as the base for a super yummy cocktail containing orange juice, triple sec, gin and vanilla syrup. A second mannequin dispensed Mill Street beer (hey it’s Toronto after all!). The aforementioned libations flowed via one specially rigged nipple on each of the mannequins. Guests dispensed their own beverages by pulling a lever at the back of each mannequin. This was half the fun it turned out; upon my own attempt I managed to not only fill my cup but also to squirt milk on myself and the surrounding area.

In between musical acts there were live performances of key scenes from the film featuring Alex (Owen Carrier) and his Droogs (Nick McKinlay, Nicolino De Francesco and David Lafontaine). Throughout the night there was also a woman dressed to resemble the milk bar mannequins (semi nude and painted in white). She walked silently in and around the throngs of guests, her pink wig and white body paint illuminated eerily by the spotlights. Some die-hard fans dressed in the style of Alex and his Droogs and this also added to the dystopian vibe.

This was a great evening for both movie and music lovers as musical acts featured hot local indie band Weaves, DJ Brendan Canning of Broken Social Scene and Omhouse. The intimate size of the venue made this party a great chance to enjoy these musicians up close.