Win a copy of CORIOLANUS on Blu-ray!
If you live in Canada, you can win 1 of 3 copies of CORIOLANUS on Blu-ray courtesy of D Films!
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Winners will be chosen at random and will be notified via e-mail. Contest deadline is January 29th, 2013 at 11:59pm. This contest is open to Canadian residents only. Good luck!

Caius Martius ‘Coriolanus’ is unquestionably Rome’s most courageous general and its most controversial. He is revered for his ferocity in battle and willingness to die for his country; and reviled for his openly contemptuous attitude towards the ordinary Roman citizen. After achieving an astounding victory in Rome’s long-running war with the neighboring Volsces, Coriolanus is prodded by his controlling and ambitious mother, Volumnia to seek the prestigious and powerful political office of Consul. But Coriolanus bristles at the false niceties of retail politicking, and is loath to ingratiate himself with the masses whose votes he needs in order to secure the office. When the public rejects his bid, Coriolanus explodes in rage, prompting a riot that culminates in his expulsion from Rome. The banished hero then allies himself with his sworn enemy, the Volscian guerrilla leader Tullus Aufidius to take revenge on his city.
Available on DVD and Blu-Ray January 29th
Distributed by: D Films
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